What and who are you becoming during this time?

I got to understand that if I am to make it through this plague, through this wilderness, I need to know my God intimately.

Princess Mashiloane

Merry Lockdown!

I trust you are well. We sure miss you all at the church but I believe when we see each other it will be that much sweeter.

What God has done for me and in me during this lockdown, it has been nothing but a blessing in my life and I will surely never be the same after this lockdown. There is so much to share but I will keep it brief.

As I was sharing with Marinda that when the lockdown was declared, I made my own declaration, ‘that at the end of the lockdown, when I come out, I’m going to be exactly like my Heavenly Father’.  After the first 21 days of lockdown, I went out the house for the first time, as I was driving and looking around I heard my spirit cry out “I don’t want to go back to ‘normal’ I want to go back to God”.  

When the lockdown was announced it is a typical human reaction to switch minds and be concerned about income, the disruption of our lives and our daily life; everything that we know as ‘normal’ is gone and going back to the ‘normal’ is our goal.

Lockdown was an opportunity for me to not just work, teach the kids, take the kids to extramural activities, and carry on with life — we could not do that ‘normal’, we are in lockdown, what now? 

I delved into the Word, I was not just living on bread alone BUT from every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.  Spending time in God’s Word and meditating on His Word, God asked me a few questions 

  • What do you think the children of Israel were doing during the plagues in Egypt (their lockdown)? 
  • What are you Princess doing during the plague (your lockdown)? 
  • What and who are you becoming during this time? 

I got to understand that if I am to make it through this plague, through this wilderness, I need to know my God intimately. I need to know what I’m going through in this lockdown is preparing me for my promise land. God told me how I handle this lockdown, with Him by my side, depending, trusting and relying on Him, that is the way I have to live my daily life, in my promise land until I see Him and we meet face to face in Heaven. Money and provision did not get me through the lockdown, it didn’t get me here in this place of full dependence on God. God did!

Another question God asked me is;

  •  Where was the provision(money, silver, gold) when I (God) created man when I (God) created the world?